5 ways you’re missing the mark with your personal brand (without knowing it)

You may think that your personal brand is all set, but there’s always room for improvement when it comes to marketing and branding. We’ve talked about common mistakes you can make with your personal brand in a previous blog. Forgetting your story is the number one mistake you can make in building your personal brand. […]
It’s your customers’ money, so your finance brand needs to be trustworthy

How do you know when you can trust someone with something important? Your prospective customers grapple with this kind of question whenever they’re thinking of doing anything with their hard-earned money. The sheer number of providers they can turn to for any financial task means they’re looking at any number of brands all claiming they’re […]
3 signs your property content is effective (aside from sales)

You can measure content performance in multiple ways, but gauging its effectiveness can be another challenge altogether. When starting to work on your content, it’s critical to set up your internal metrics for the success of your planning, because relying solely on numbers from aggregators may not show you the full picture of where your […]